21 December 2020, Monday Ankara, Turkey

Free Kindergarten Support to 3 Thousand Disadvantaged Children

Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services provided financial support for the children of martyrs and veterans, children with financial difficulties, whose mother or father was deceased, who live with one parent, whose mothers are in prison or staying in a women's guesthouse and ensured that they could benefit from day care centers, preschools or private care clubs. 

Currently, there are 2,326 private preschools, day care centers and private care clubs, which have been granted license and audited by the Ministry. Approximately 45 thousand children are currently receiving services in these organizations, which are inspected at least twice a year in a routine process, and are subjected to a more intensive inspection by the Ministry during the fight against Covid-19.

Within the scope of "Free Care Service", the Ministry ensures that the eligible children can benefit from private nurseries, day care centers and private children's clubs free of charge, with a quota of 3 percent.

In this context, approximately 3 thousand children received free service from private nurseries, day care centers and private children's clubs with government support in 2020.

Which Children Can Benefit from the Quota for Free of Charge Care Service?

Children of martyrs and veterans can benefit from the free quotas of private nurseries, day care centers and private children's clubs regardless of their financial situation. This opportunity is also provided to the children of women who have financial impossibilities, children whose mother or father was deceased, who live with one parent, who have a disabled parent, who are under protection in institutions affiliated to the Ministry, who stay with their convicted and imprisoned mothers in prisons and women who stay in or has recently left a women's shelter.

Thousands of Families with Children Attending to a Kindergarten Received "Digital Risk Protection" Training

On the other hand, the Ministry organizes trainings for private nursery and day-care center employees and families receiving services from these organizations in order to introduce children aged 0-6 to information technologies properly and to protect them from digital risks.

In this context, "digital risk prevention training" has been given to 12,834 people so far.

In addition, the Ministry prepared the "privacy education" module and included the subject of "digital privacy" in the module in order to improve the child's ability to protect privacy. The Ministry reached 59.991 staff and families of nursery and day care centers in total.

More Than 47 Thousand Personnel Were Reached

A total of 47,291 personnel, consisting of 20,512 workers of child care institutions affiliated to the Ministry and 26,779 staff of  boarding institutions for children affiliated to the Ministry of National Education and Department of Religious Affairs attended to the Trainings given to increase the awareness and awareness levels of employees who provide direct services to children and to develop their capacities.

The trainings covered various topics such as approach to the child, communication, crisis and crisis management, privacy of the child, risky behaviors, limits and responsibilities, and building positive behavior.