26 October 2020, Monday Ankara, Turkey

"Make a Move, Don't Stand Still"

Online chess tournaments organized by the Directorate General of Child Services with the slogan "Make a Move, Don't Stand Still" has started. Children who have to take a break from many face-to-face sports organizations and activities due to the measures taken for the Covid-19 epidemic, have exciting days with online tournaments. Children who continue their distance education in homes where they are cared for in a healthy way with successful measures implemented during the epidemic, spend their days fully with online activities.

"A Rehabilitating Sports Activity"

Regarding this issue, Dr. Orhan Koç, Director General of Child Services has said, reminding that children under care have not experienced any major health problems within eight months, with their sensitivity to obey the measures and strict implementation of the measures, “During the past eight months, activities in line with the measures have been specially planned for all age groups and implemented in 81 provinces. In this time, chess became prominent in institutions as a rehabilitative sports activity for children, but holding a large tournament with the participation of all provinces was not found appropriate considering the course of the epidemic. We started to do all our activities by subjecting them to transformations in accordance with the conditions of the period. For this reason, we organize online chess tournament in which children aged 7-18 participate. We have asked the opinions of the children, we have prepared a program considering their requests, they are very happy that the tournament will be held.”

"We Raise Qualified Children"

Noting that the activities started to be held in a planned and gradual manner, Mr. Koç has added: “We carry out many artistic, cultural and sports activities where we take into account the abilities of the age group and children in our childcare institutions. By supporting our children in all aspects in their growth process, we aim to prepare them as individuals qualified for life.”

150 Licensed Athletes

Giving information about online competitions, the Director General has said “We have ensured that our children, who are under protection in our institutions, participate in tournaments organized throughout the province and competitions organized by our Directorate General. We have organized an award-winning chess tournament among children staying in child homes in some provinces and have given them awards. 207 children, who are currently under protection in our organizations, are engaged in chess sports. 150 children are licensed athletes.”

1.159 Children at the Tournament

Stating that 1.159 children have participated in the online chess tournament, Mr. Koç has said:

“636 children from 81 provinces participated in the provincial eliminations held on 21 July 2020, which are the first phase of the online chess tournament for children aged 13-18 staying at Child Homes, Child Homes Buildings Complex and Child Support Centers.

226 children, who got qualified for the finals as a result of the qualifying competitions, participated in the Final Competition on 28 July 2020. Senem İlayda Pala from Konya came first, Caner İşlemek from Ordu came second and Adil Ceylan from Siirt came third. The children ranking were awarded with a medal by the Federation. In the second phase of the tournament to be held on November 27, 523 children under protection aged 7-12 will participate and the final of the tournament will be held on 3 November 2020.

Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving

With the tournament, it is aimed to alleviate the pandemic, which has annoying effects on children as well as on people of all ages all over the world, with activities to be carried out.

The online chess tournaments held in cooperation with Turkish Chess Federation is expected to develop analytical thinking and problem-solving skills of children.

Pre-trainings for children participating have been given before the tournament held with the slogan "Make a Move, Don’t Stand Still". Special topics for children have been addressed, questions have been solved and games have been played.

Turkish Chess Federation on Cooperation

Within the scope of the protocol signed in 2013 between Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Services and Turkish Chess Federation, chess rooms were established in institutions and trainings were given to the children in provinces. For the tournament, which is a continuation of the protocol, our children in the 7-18 age group who are interested in chess and want to participate in the tournament, have been prepared for the tournaments by receiving online training from the website (www.eba.gov.tr, www.tsf.org.tr) before the tournament.

Online chess tournaments have started by making announcements through the offices of Turkish Chess Federation in 81 provinces and the Provincial Directorates, and by taking the children's registrations.

Every child who logged into the system with their own username and password on the chess.com website was eligible to participate in the tournaments.

Athlete License for Children

After the tournament, the top three from each province in Turkey will participate in E-chess championship finals. A license by the federation will be given to each children participating in the chess tournament and the children will be ensured to be licensed athletes.