21 February 2022, Monday Ankara, TURKEY

Guide for the Standardization of Services to be Provided to Persons with Disabilities in Day Service Centres

The Ministry of Family and Social Services has prepared a guide that includes the structuring and operation process of an exemplary day service centre in order to standardize the qualified services to be provided to persons with disabilities in daytime service centres and to guide the new centers to be opened.

The Ministry continues its efforts to strengthen individuals with disabilities and their families and improve their living standards. In this context, daytime service centres play an important role in helping citizens with disabilities become self-confident, productive and independent individuals, as well as providing the care services they need.

In order to increase the quality of life of persons with disabilities and contribute to their active participation in social life, training, guidance and counseling services, psycho-social rehabilitation services, day care and rehabilitation services are offered to individuals with disabilities and their families in full-time, half-day or sessional day service centres.

As of November 2021, there are a total of 129 day care centres, 25 independent and 104 affiliated to the Ministry, serving individuals with disabilities. In these centrres, 1,159 individuals with disabilities and their families receive service.

In Türkiye, 95 thousand individuals with disabilities receive active service in 66 centres within the scope of municipalities. The Ministry aims to increase the number of persons with disabilities who receive service from the daytime service model and centres.

This service model should be carried out by the Ministry as well as municipalities and civil  society organizations in a way that the standards have been determined.

In this context, a guide was prepared by the General Directorate of Services for Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly of the Ministry in order to standardize the quality services to be provided to persons with disabilities in day-care service centres and to guide the new centres to be opened.

The guide, which was prepared with the aim of setting an example for institutions and organizations that aim to open a day service centre, includes the structuring and functioning process of an exemplary day service centre.

Besides the provincial directorates, municipalities, CSOs and other relevant institutions and organizations planning to open a daytime service center are also intended to benefit from the guide.

In the guide, the design of the day service centre is included in its broadest sense. The day care and rehabilitation unit and workshops determined according to needs and resources are required to be in a daytime service centre for persons with disabilities. It is stated that other units can be determined according to the physical, financial and human resource capacities of institutions and organizations.

In the guide, the importance of providing the service in the closest place to individuals with disabilities and their families, facilitating accessibility and designing it according to needs is emphasized.