07 July 2024, Sunday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister Göktaş: “The Ministry has launched a new project in 7 pilot care centers to strengthen the capacity of day care centers”

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş said, “The Ministry has launched a new project in 7 pilot day care centers to strengthen the capacities of day care centers, which have an important function in improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and contributing to their active participation in social life, and to increase the quality of services provided.” .

Minister Göktaş stated that the Ministry continued to develop community-based care services enabling persons with disabilities to continue their lives alongside their families and said: “ The main goal is to protect the integrity of families with persons with disabilities, while enabling them to participate more actively in social life. In this context, day care centers have an important function within the framework of the principle that persons with disabilities primarily continue their lives with their families.”

 “The Ministry provides services with 136 day care and rehabilitation center”

Reminding that day care centers were expanded across the country, Göktaş said, “In day care centers, activities are carried out that help to improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities who continue their lives in their own home and with their families, to meet their psychological and social needs, and to contribute to their socialization and leisure time. In addition, guidance and counseling services for families are also available. As of this year, 136 day care and rehabilitation centers are serving persons with disabilities.”

The project is launched in 7 pilot day care centers

Göktaş stated that the Ministry launched a new project in 7 pilot day care centers to increase the quality of services offered by strengthening the capacities of day care centers, having an important function in improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and contributing to their active participation in social life, and noted the following:

“ With the 'Project for Improving the Quality and Institutional Capacity of Services Provided in Day Care and Rehabilitation Centers for Persons with Disabilities', special education teachers will work in 7 pilot day care centers in Ankara, Antalya, Aydın, İstanbul Mersin and Sakarya. Personal development and vocational trainings will be provided by expert academics to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities. In-service trainings will be organized for the professional personnel working in the centers, a needs analysis will be conducted covering 28 centers and the results will be reported. Training programs and reporting activities will be prepared in accordance with the needs analysis to be carried out within the scope of the one-year project. With the data obtained, necessary improvements for day care services will be identified and the quality of services will be improved.”

Minister Göktaş stated that within the scope of the project, academics started to provide personal development trainings to facilitate employment at the Keçiören Day Care Rehabilitation Center affiliated to the Ministry, and emphasized that the trainings were welcomed by persons with disabilities and their families. Göktaş said, “As a result of the positive feedback received from the individuals and their families, the services offered in day care centers will be expanded across the country by increasing the quality.”