15 August 2024, Thursday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş: "The Ministry has increasingly started to pay Home Care Allowance payments to the accounts of the right holders”

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş stated that the Home Care Allowance, which provided economic support to citizens with full dependency and their families, was increased from 7.608 TL to 9.077 TL with the rise made according to the public personnel salary coefficient in July and said, "The Ministry has started to deposit the Home Care Allowance payments to the accounts of the beneficiaries with an increase. Therefore, the Ministry has paid a total of 4.9 billion TL this month."

Minister Göktaş reminded that Home Care Allowance, one of the most important family-oriented care service models offered by the Ministry, was initiated in 2006 with the idea that persons with disabilities would be supported primarily by their families. Göktaş said, "The Ministry prioritizes the care of persons with disabilities at their homes in a way preserving the family integrity. The Ministry supports the protection and strengthening of the family unity of persons with disabilities by supporting them to live with their family or relatives without the need for them to leave their environment where the persons with disabilities reside and get by with Home Care Allowance."

Emphasizing that family integrity was protected by supporting the citizens taking care of their relatives with full dependency in need of care with Home Care Allowance, Göktaş said: "The Ministry is trying to reach every member of the society with the holistic and fair social service models developed. The Ministry has paid a total of 30.2 billion TL of Home Care Allowance to the citizens between January-July 2024 within the framework of the vision of a society leaving no one behind."

Minister Göktaş stated that the monthly payments of the Home Care Allowance, which was made to provide economic support to citizens with full dependency and their families caring for them at home, were increased from 7.608 TL to 9.077 TL with the increase made according to the public personnel salary coefficient in July, and said, “With the new regulation, the Ministry has increasingly started to deposit the Home Care Allowance payments to the accounts of the beneficiaries. In this context, a total of 4.9 billion TL was paid this month to the relatives of 555.000 citizens with full dependency who provided care at home. I wish that the payments will be beneficial to all citizens with disabilities."