16 July 2024, Tuesday Ankara, TÜRKİYE

Minister of Family and Social Services Göktaş: “Currently, 555.000 citizens benefit from Home Care Allowance”

Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş announced that 555.000 citizens benefited from the Home Care Allowance, aiming to provide financial support to citizens with full dependency and their families, and that a total of 4.1 billion liras of allowance was deposited into their accounts this month.

Minister Göktaş reminded that Home Care Allowance, one of the most important family-oriented care service models offered by the Ministry, was initiated in 2006 with the idea that persons with disabilities would be supported primarily by their families. Göktaş said, "The Ministry prioritizes the care of persons with disabilities at their homes in a way preserving the family integrity. The Ministry supports the protection and strengthening of the family unity of persons with disabilities by supporting them to live with their family or relatives without leaving their environment with Home Care Allowance."

Stating that the Home Care Allowance protected the family integrity by supporting citizens taking care of their relatives with full dependency, Göktaş said: "The Ministry develops policies with a rights-based perspective for persons with disabilities to fully access their fundamental rights such as education, healthcare, security and employment. The Ministry is trying to reach every member of the society with the holistic and fair social service models developed."

Stating that while 7.608 TL was paid per beneficiary per month in the January-July period of 2024 within the scope of Home Care Allowance, the allowance was increased to 9.077 TL with the new regulation in the salary coefficient of public personnel in July, Göktaş stated that the payments would be credited to the accounts of the beneficiaries with an increase in August. Minister Göktaş said: “This month, a total of 4.1 billion TL Home Care Allowance has been deposited into the accounts of citizens with full dependency and their families who are caring for them at home. Currently, 560.000 citizens are benefiting from Home Care Allowance. Within the framework of the Vision for the Century of Türkiye, the Ministry will continue its efforts to ensure that rights-based social assistance in disability is sustainable with a transparent approach. I wish the payments to be beneficial to all persons with disabilities and their families."