18 August 2024, Sunday Karaman, TÜRKİYE

Minister of Family and Social Services Göktaş visited Karaman

Regarding the forest fires in Izmir, Aydın and Muğla, Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş commented: “As the Ministry, teams in all three provinces has provided the necessary psychosocial support for 441 citizens affected by the fires. Meanwhile, necessary precautions have been taken quickly in the institutions affiliated to the Ministry in areas that are close to the fires in Izmir.”

During her visit to Karaman, Minister Göktaş visited the Governor's Office, Children's Homes Site, Women's Cooperative, Dursun Fakih Nursing Home and the family of Sergeant Oğuzhan Küçük, who was martyred in Hakkari in 2017. Later, Göktaş attended the "Extended Provincial Advisory Council Meeting" of the Ak Parti Provincial Directorate of Karaman and started her speech by conveying her wishes for the past due to the fires in İzmir, Aydın and Muğla.

Emphasizing that all ministries, relevant institutions and civil society organizations were mobilized from the first moment of the fires, Göktaş said, "As the Ministry, the teams in all three provinces provided the necessary psychosocial support for 441 citizens affected by the fire. Furthermore, measures were quickly taken in the institutions affiliated to the Ministry in places close to the fire in Izmir. This disaster has devestated us. The government continues its work day and night in the field with all its institutions. The Ministry will always continue to support the citizens to overcome the tragic event.”

"The struggle will continue for the happy, hopeful, beautiful tomorrows of the country"

Expressing her pleasure to come together with the citizens who filled the hall on the occasion of the Provincial Advisory Assembly Meeting, Göktaş described Anatolia as an ancient geography that was a bridge between the elegance and wisdom of the Eastern and Western civilization.

Göktaş, who conveyed that the echo of a different culture was heard wherever one went in the country, said as follows:

"Traces of the civilization are hidden in every structure that the ancestors bequeathed to us. Karaman, a Turkish homeland since the first day when the gates of Anatolia opened to Turks, is one of these cities. The heirloom Karaman is the essence of Anatolia, the essence of Turks, the motherland of the Turkish language. It is a great duty that the nation have to bear, leaving such a precious legacy to our children in its greatest condition. That is the understanding that is at the core of AK Parti politics."

Emphasizing that AK Parti, under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Türkiye and the Chairman of the AK Parti Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, carried the works to all four corners of the country for 23 years, Göktaş said: “Today, under the roof of the AK Parti, the largest party in Türkiye with more than 11 million members, we will continue to move forward as friends of the President of the Republic of Türkiye, our leader. "The Ministry will continue the struggle together for the happy, hopeful, beautiful tomorrows of the country"

"The Ministry will continue to mobilize all the opportunities in line with the goal of 'Strong Family, Strong Türkiye'"

Expressing that the Ministry was working for younger persons to live in a safe and peaceful country as self-confident, educated and healthy persons, Göktaş noted that:

"The Ministry will support younger persons to take a more active role in each field. Thus, the Ministry will work for women who sacrificially endure all kinds of hardships, always stand by their country, and contribute to the growth and strengthening of Türkiye. We will ensure that more women take part in the economy, politics and social life. We will work for the estemeed older persons who build bridges between the past and the future and pass on the values that are hold to the younger generations. We will work to offer a Karaman, an accessible city and accessible Türkiye to persons with disabilities holding on to life with a determination to live  setting an example for all of us. We will continue to develop various service models for the persons with disabilities and the older persons, especially home care processes. We will continue to provide social assistance with a rights based and supply-oriented social policy approach. We will work for the veterans protecting this beloved homeland at the cost of their lives, and for the families of the martyrs who gave their lives for the cause. We will continue to mobilize all means in line with the goal of 'Strong Family, Strong Türkiye'. The greatest goal is for the 85 million members of Türkiye's family, including women, men, younger persons, older persons, children and the persons with disabilities, to live in peace.”

"The struggle will be contuniued for a free and independent Palestine"

Stating that the AK Parti movement had always been based on the understanding that “serving the people is to serve the Rightful”, Göktaş said:

"This understanding did not only remain within the borders of Türkiye. Wherever in the world, Ak Parti has endeavored to be the voice of the oppressed and stand by the victimized. From Palestine to Yemen, from Libya to Ukraine, we have always stood by the righteous in every region where deep crises have taken place. It is with the belief that 'defending Al-Quds the Noble is defending humanity, defending peace, defending respect for different beliefs' that this struggle continues with determination, as expressed by the President of the Republic of Türkiye. However, today, Israel is unfortunately continuing its brutal assaults before the eyes of the world, without sparing any women or children.”

Stating that Türkiye, under the leadership of H.E. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Republic of Türkiye, continues its diplomatic contacts to end the human tragedy in Gaza, Göktaş said: “The struggle for a free and independent Palestine will prevail. Türkiye will take all necessary steps to make Israel account for the genocide committed in the face of justice as an intervener in the case that is carried out by the International Court of Justice.”